Connecting high school students to college
and careers through mentorship
Pro-to-CUNY-to-high school mentorship builds real world career awareness, skills, and connections
Mentorship for high school students
The CUNY Career Mentorship Program (CMP) connects CUNY alumni “Pro” mentors to CUNY students, who in turn mentor NYC high school students.
Through CMP mentorship activities, Pros help CUNY students plan viable career pathways in their industry, identify and address professional gaps, and assist their advancement towards internships and jobs in their industry.
CUNY mentees then mentor high school students using the same activities, conveying their Pros' career knowledge and skills, CMP career development materials, and personal college experience, as well as assisting with the CUNY application.
High school mentees that enroll at CUNY can continue working with their mentors throughout their postsecondary experience and into their careers, until they are the Pros who can assist those coming after them.
There is no cost for schools or students to participate in the program or limit to participant mentorship matches or sessions.
CMP Pathways
Biomedical Engineering
Building Systems
Computer Engineering
Machine Learning
Cyber Security
Data Science
Electrical Engineering
Instrumentation & Controls
Finance / Fintech
Government & Policy
Human Resources
Life Sciences
Materials Science
Mechanical Engineering
Project Management
Real Estate
Renewable Energy
Transit & Infrastructure
Venture Capital